1. 원본/대상 비교용 임시 테이블 생성
create table test..verify_tab_cnt as
select t.owner
, t.table_name
, (select round(sum(bytes)/1024/1024) from dba_segments s where s.owner = t.owner and s.segment_name = t.table_name) size_MB
, (select partitioning_type from dba_part_tables p where p.owner = t.owner and p.table_name = t.table_name) partitioning_type
, cast(null as number) as scn
, cast(null as number) as asis_cnt
, cast(null as number) as tobe_cnt
, cast(null as date ) as asis_start_dt
, cast(null as date ) as tobe_start_dt
, cast(null as date ) as asis_end_dt
, cast(null as date ) as tobe_end_dt
from dba_tables t
where 1=1
and owner in (select username from dba_users where account_status = 'OPEN' and username not like 'SYS%' and username not in ('OGG','DBSNMP'))
order by owner, table_name
2. 대상 DB 특정 scn값으로 해당 시점에 테이블별 count수 확인
만약 parallel replicat를 사용중이라면 해당 replicat를 중지하고 synchorinize replicat 작업후 count수 확인
l_scn constant number := nnnnn;
l_count number := 0;
execute immediate 'alter session set db_file_multiblock_read_count = 128';
for t_row in (
select *
from (
select owner
, table_name
, case when size_MB < 100 then 1
when size_MB < 500 then 2
when size_MB < 5000 then 4
else 8
end as degree
, rowid as v_rid
from test.verify_tab_cnt
where owner in ('TEST1','TEST2','TEST3')
and scn is null
and lnnvl(partitioning_type='RANGE')
order by size_MB, owner, table_name
update spadmin.verify_tab_cnt set scn = l_scn, tobe_start_dt = sysdate where rowid = t_row.v_rid;
execute immediate 'select /*+ index_ffs(t) parallel('||t_row.degree||') */count(*)
from '|| t_row.owner ||'.'|| t_row.table_name || ' as of scn '||l_scn||' t' into l_count;
update spadmin.verify_tab_cnt set tobe_cnt = l_count, tobe_end_dt = sysdate where rowid = t_row.v_rid;
end loop;
3. 원본 DB 특정 scn 값으로 해당 시점에 테이블별 count수 확인
l_scn constant number := nnnnn;
l_count number := 0;
execute immediate 'alter session set db_file_multiblock_read_count = 128';
for t_row in (
select *
from (
select owner
, table_name
, case when size_MB < 100 then 1
when size_MB < 500 then 2
when size_MB < 5000 then 4
else 8
end as degree
, rowid as v_rid
from test.verify_tab_cnt
where owner in ('TEST1','TEST2','TEST3')
and scn is null
and lnnvl(partitioning_type='RANGE')
order by size_MB, owner, table_name
update spadmin.verify_tab_cnt set scn = l_scn, asis_start_dt = sysdate where rowid = t_row.v_rid;
execute immediate 'select /*+ index_ffs(t) parallel('||t_row.degree||') */count(*)
from '|| t_row.owner ||'.'|| t_row.table_name || ' as of scn '||l_scn||' t' into l_count;
update test.verify_tab_cnt set asis_cnt = l_count, asis_end_dt = sysdate where rowid = t_row.v_rid;
end loop;
4. 비교
위에 원본에 있는 비교 테이블을 대상 DB로 이관하여 비교 진행
merge into test.verify_tab_cnt t
using (
select *
from test.verify_tab_cnt_asis
where scn is not null
and owner in ('TEST1','TEST2','TEST3')
) s
on (t.owner = s.owner and t.table_name = s.table_name and t.scn = s.scn)
when matched then
set t.asis_cnt = s.asis_cnt
, t.asis_start_dt = s.asis_start_dt
, t.asis_end_dt = s.asis_end_dt
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