1. Oozie
- workflow scheduler system to run apache hadoop job.
- workflow jobs is DAG (Directed Acyclic Graphs)
1) workflow : what to do
2) coordinator : when to do a task
3) bundles : what all things to do together as a group
2. Oozie languge
1) basic el constants
- KB : 1 kilobyte
- MB : 1 megabyte
- GB : 1 gigabyte
- TB : 1 terabyte
- PB : 1 petabyte
2) basic el functions
- String timestamp() : iso8601 format
- String trim(String s) : trimmed value
3) workflow el functions
- String wf:id() : gives the workflow job id
- String wf:name() : gives workflow application name
- String wf:lastErrorNode() : gives the name of the last workflow action
- String wf:errorMessage(String message) : gives the error mesage
4) hadoop el constants
- records
- map_in
- map_out
- reduce_in
- reduce_out
- groups
5) hdfs el functions
path format : hdfs://test:8020/tmp/t1
- boolean fs:exists(String path)
- boolean fs:isDir(String path)
- long fs:dirSize(String path)
- long fs:fileSize(String path)
3. oozie 사용
1) oozie job -run -oozie http://localhost:11000/oozie -config commandline/job.properties
2) oozie job -info <id>
prep : job이 server summit 되고 아직 되지 않고 있는 상태
running : job이 수행시점
suspended : job이 중단된 상태
succeeded : job이 완료된 상태
killed : admin이 created, running, suspended된 job이 killed된 상태
failed : job이 error 발생한 상태
4. 예제
1) mapreduce job
oozie job -run -oozie http://localhost:11000/oozie -config job.properties
oozie mapreduce -config job.properties -oozie http://localhost:11000/oozie
2) hive job
load data inpath '/tmp/test1' into table test
oozie hive -config job.prpperties -file insert.sql --oozie http://localhost:11000/oozie
3) sqoop job
import --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/database --username sqoop --password sqoop --table tablen --hive-import --hive-table tablen
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