PostgreSQL은 open source software로 BSD(Berkeley Distribution Software) 라이센스와 유사한 TPL (The PostgreSQL License)입니다.
1. 소스 다운로드 위치
1) 소스 설치
gunzip postgresql-9.4.5.tar.gz
tar xf postgresql-9.4.5.tar
make install
make install-docs
make install-world
2) OS tool 사용시 (redhat 기준)
yum install postgresql-server (repository에 postgresql 버전 확인필)
service postgresql initdb
chkconfig postgresql on
3) os 설정 (/etc/sysctl.conf)
Name | Description | Reasonable values |
SHMMAX | Maximum size of shared memory segment (bytes) | at least 1kB (more if running many copies of the server) |
SHMMIN | Minimum size of shared memory segment (bytes) | 1 |
SHMALL | Total amount of shared memory available (bytes or pages) | if bytes, same as SHMMAX; if pages, ceil(SHMMAX/PAGE_SIZE) |
SHMSEG | Maximum number of shared memory segments per process | only 1 segment is needed, but the default is much higher |
SHMMNI | Maximum number of shared memory segments system-wide | like SHMSEG plus room for other applications |
SEMMNI | Maximum number of semaphore identifiers (i.e., sets) | at least ceil((max_connections + autovacuum_max_workers + 4) / 16) |
SEMMNS | Maximum number of semaphores system-wide | ceil((max_connections + autovacuum_max_workers + 4) / 16) * 17 plus room for other applications |
SEMMSL | Maximum number of semaphores per set | at least 17 |
SEMMAP | Number of entries in semaphore map | see text |
SEMVMX | Maximum value of semaphore | at least 1000 (The default is often 32767; do not change unless necessary) |
2. 환경 설정
1) Shell 설정
linux 사용하는 shell에 따라 아래 설정 내용을 포함
or PGHOSTADDR => postgresql 서버
PGPORT (default :5432) => postgresql 서버포트
PGUSER => User 계정
PGPASSWORD (설정파일 .pgpass)
psql postgresql://myuser:mypasswd@myhost:5432/mydb
/sbin/ldconfig /usr/local/pgsql/lib (root에서 실행)
export PATH
export MANPATH
2) postgresql 설정파일
- postgresql.conf
listen_addresses = '*'
log_connections = on (사용자 접속시 로그 남김)
log_disconnections = on (사용자 접속 off시 로그 남김)
shared_buffers : 시스템 메모리에 1/4로 설정
(effective_cache_size는 전체 메모리에 1/2로 설정)
wal_buffers : write량이 많으면 default 값 증가 (shared 1/32 ~ 16MB)
checkpoint_segments : write량이 많거나 많은 데이터 load 되면
default 값증가 (48MB (3 * 16MB), 보통 32 ~ 256)
checkpoint_timeout : default 5분
work_mem : 많은 쿼리가 수행되면 default 값보다 증가
synchronous_commit : on/off 설정 (off 설정시 데이터 loss 발생가능)
- pg_hba.conf
type database user cidr-address method
Host all all md5
3. 제약사항
4. Postgresql 내부 구조
1) 전체 구조
2) shared buffer 요소
3) shared buffer 메모리 구조
5. 기본 SQL ( .psqlrc )
pg_ctl -D datadir start
pg_ctl -D datadir stop -- stop after finishing active trans
pg_ctl -D datadir -m fast stop -- immediate stop
pg_ctl -D datadir stop -m immediate -- emergency stop
(oracle : shutdown abort)
pg_ctl -D datadir restart -m fast -- fast restart
pg_ctl -D datadir reload -- config reload
select pg_reload_conf(); -- config reload
-- dirty page를 모두 disk로 내리는 작업
psql -c "CHECKPOINT"
-- 특정 database 접속을 제한
alter database test connection limit 0
-- 특정 사용자 접속을 제한
alter user test1 connection limit 0
-- 설정 파일을 사용한 특정 ip에 db/user 사용자 제한 (pg_hba_lockdown.conf)
type database user cidr-address method
local alll all localhost reject (or preer)
-- data pages preload
create extension pgfincore ( )
-- config reload된 항목 확인
SELECT name, setting, unit,(source = 'default') as is_default FROM pg_settings
WHERE context = 'sighup'
AND (name like '%delay' or name like '%timeout')
AND setting != '0';
-- kill session
kill -SIGHUP \`psql -t -c "select procpid from pg_stat_activity limit 1"`
psql -h hostname -p 5432 -d dbname -U username
# help (\? : psql meta-command help, \h : sql command help)
# \quit
psql -f exam.sql ( exam.sql 파일 실행 )
psql postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:5432/dbname
--command="COPY (SELECT ratingdata FROM test WHERE date='20150710') TO '/tmp/data.txt"
99. PostgreSQL 성능 (9.4 기준)
PostgreSQL 9.4 can achieve more than 300,000 reads per second on a 32-CPU server, and it benchmarks at more than 20,000
write transactions per second with full durability.
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